ESA Innovation Award Winner

SPACE IC wins the ESA Innovation Award 2014
It was a business speed-dating: More than 600 companies and research institutions from 28 countries participated in the ESA "Industry Space Days 2014" in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, and met new dialog partners every 20 minutes to share contacts and ideas.
Volodymyr Burkhay and his colleagues from SPACE IC in Hannover had particular reason to be excited. Just founded in February 2014 as a spin-off of the semiconductor manufacturer Telefunken Semiconductors the SME specializes in the development and production of integrated circuits for space that are important for an effective energy supply in satellites. "We applied for the 100,000 euro innovation prize with a unique European radiation-hard voltage converter - and we actually won it," said the Marketing & Sales Manager of SPACE IC.
SPACE IC will use the prize money for further qualification tests of this component. "This is a remarkable success of a German space SME and should be a motivation for other German companies from the space industry and its affiliated high-tech industries, to engage and to demonstrate excellence here," said Uwe Soltau, SME Representative of the DLR Space management.
Link to the DLR press release (German).
Picture above:
Winner of the ESA Innovation Award 2014 SPACE IC GmbH, Hannover (from left: Uwe Soltau, SME Representative of the DLR Space Management, Christian Westpfahl, Application & Customer Support SPACE IC GmbH, Volodymyr Burkhay, Marketing & Sales SPACE IC GmbH and Eric Morel de Westgaver, ESA's Director of Industry, Procurement and Legal Affairs).
Source: ESA